List of Physical Visualizations

List of Physical Visualizations.

A mind boggling variety of physical visualizations.

With the advent of 3D-printing I think people can renew their interest in physical art like sculpture and architecture, and appreciate the embedding important data into day to day objects. For example, you could create a sculpture visualizing how your children have grown over the years (height, weight, important events, achievements) and put it in your living room!

We tend to reminisce on memories only via photos and videos, but in their digital form they are  not quite accessible. (That is why Polaroid photos had such appeal – they were instantly available in your hand!).  What if we could embed memories around us in objects that we can see and touch and feel, even taste and smell? What if, on your marriage anniversary, you are greeted by the sights and sounds from your honeymoon by the sea –  you can hear the waves, you can touch the sand, and can taste the Margarita?

This is actually the reason why we bring back souvenirs from our trips. Now, with the advent of technology, using the data gathered on trips, we can create  our own souvenirs, and relive our memories at will.

Start-up, anyone?


Unlocking DNA secrets with a Canadian genome search engine – The Globe and Mail

At its core is a computational technique known as “machine learning,” in which a system is programmed to recognize mutations based on examples researchers have input. With complex forms of it – called “deep-learning” technology or artificial intelligence – the system is designed to detect and decipher. It is the kind of automated reasoning behind the latest voice-, text- and image-recognition engines, popular virtual-assistant apps such as Siri, and now SPANR.

via Unlocking DNA secrets with a Canadian genome search engine – The Globe and Mail.

Why Academics’ Writing Stinks – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Why Academics’ Writing Stinks – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education.

A provocative, and at times hilarious, article by Pinker. You should also check out the Youtube video of his talk on the same topic.

Writing is thinking. And therefore it is difficult. Learning to write well is an essential skill for the thinking man or woman.